

``Your Path to Wellness Begins Here``
BRIX COSMOS, a safe and compassionate space where you can find support, healing, and guidance. Our counseling services are dedicated to helping individuals navigate life’s challenges, enhance their emotional well-being, and achieve a happier, more fulfilling life.


Career Guidance and Counseling

“Discover Your Path to a Fulfilling Career”

Welcome to BRIX COSMOS, where we’re dedicated to helping you uncover your true potential and find your ideal career path. Our holistic career guidance and counseling services, enriched by psychometric testing, are meticulously designed to provide the clarity and direction you need to make well-informed career choices.

Psychological Counseling

“Your Path to Mental Wellness Begins Here”

BRIX COSMOS, a place of solace and transformation where you can find the support and guidance needed for mental well-being. Our psychological counseling services are dedicated to helping individuals overcome challenges, improve their emotional health, and rediscover a happier and more fulfilling life.